Cinnamon Rolls on Thanksgiving Morning


These are my family Cinnamon Rolls, made from excess pie dough. I love family traditions. They bring back memories and make each new holiday connect with both the past and present. We’ve tried changes over the years. One year, Mom tried adding quince jam. Sometimes we’ve added chopped apples. My family seems to prefer the more traditional butter, sugar and cinnamon filling however. I’ve had to offer both a regular and gluten free version in recent years, but that is not quite the same thing at all.

Over the years I’ve made extra batches of pie dough to make extra cinnamon rolls. But this year, I wasn’t making the the pumpkin pies! That meant I wasn’t making pie dough. Not to worry- I made pie dough without the pies!

I wanted to capture the look and texture of the cinnamon rolls coming out of the oven. These were hot when I took my iPhone and captured a close up of the cinnamon-y rolls and twists of buttery goodness. I used Snapseed to crop and adjust the image to emphasize the layers of cinnamon.

How do you make these luscious delights? Make a batch of your favorite pie dough recipe and divide in half. Roll out in a long rectangle shape. Spread with soft butter. Sprinkle with sugar. Sprinkle with cinnamon. (Be generous with all three!) Start rolling up on the long end about an inch wide and keep rolling until you get to the end. Flatten the ends and fold under. Move to a cookie sheet. Score with a knife in about 2-3 inch long pieces, not quite through to the surface. Bake in an oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Then enjoy!


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