Walking in the Steps of Martin Luther: The first part of the tour followed in Martin Luther’s footsteps to view Wittenberg’s historic landmarks: Castle Church, Cranach House and Market Square Lutherstadt Wittenberg. There’s one Main Street in old town Wittenberg with Castle Church on one end and Lutherhaus Museum on the other end.
Castle Church – a castle, a church and a tower, with the 95 Theses Door, which also served as a university.
Walking down Main Street, a man-made creek runs along the street, decorated with flowers. It is part of a usable water system built many years ago.
Cranach House and Courtyard: Cranach was an artist and print maker during the time of the reformation. The courtyard where his studio was is full of drawings, cobblestones and remembrances of his life and that of his son.
Market Square Lutherstadt Wittenberg: The Market Square has a fountain which overlooks the plaza in memory of both Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, and an ornate Gothic facade of the 16th-century town hall.