The Beauty and Colors of September Sunrises on Houghton Lake

Early Fall on the West Shore of Houghton Lake, Michigan, where the morning air is crisp and the sun rises with clouds, color and beauty. Every morning was different. Some mornings were so cloudy or foggy that the sun made a quiet, almost non-appearance for the day. Other days were glorious. Here is a taste of the last week of September, 2021.

Fall Color at the Arboretum

Bright yellow maple leaves greeted us today at Morton Arboretum. These images were captured mostly in East Woods where maple trees abound. It was late afternoon, with sunshine being overtaken by clouds. Everywhere we looked there was yellow, bright yellow. I love the East Woods! (A few Impressionist images are included!)

Surprise! Fall Crocus Blooms

I found a surprising bloom of a fall crocus in a place I don’t believe I planted bulbs. Not that I’m complaining. Fall Crocus blooms are always a surprise as leaves are falling and most plants have died back. They are a very delicate flower, with translucence and a very thin stem. They often shoot up higher than the stem can support the bloom and end up falling down to the ground. Not this one! It stood up tall and strong so that I could capture it delicate beauty.

Sunset over the Lake

My childhood home was in a town surrounding one of the largest inland lakes. Whenever I go home to visit, I’m drawn to the lake in all seasons, during all weather.  This fall, the sunsets were spectacular. All I had was my iPhone, but it proved to be more than enough. When the lake is still, the reflections are often as dramatic as the sky. Here are a few I captured in the moments before dusk. Click on an image to see it larger.